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Audio: Freddy Moore - The Sixties Demos 1968

Music and Lyrics by David Burdick and     
Frederick George Moore
Copyright © 1968
Demophonic Music Publishing BMI
Used with permission

Come on down to the chicken house
Come on down and have some fun
Put them on the chop-ping block
Smash their heads in with a rock
Get ev-ery-one on the block to
Smash their heads in with a rock
Take them down to the old fence post
Drain the blood un- til they're dry
Granny fries them in a pan
They must die so we can thrive. So
at the square dance to-night we're
Go-ing to have Chic- ken Delight,
To the
Thrill of all the spectators, Big
John Moore beat up "The Big Bear". with a
Pair of "Champion" super-elastic gloves, and it
only cost six- ninety-five, for a
Front row seat to see him beat the
brains out of his com- petiter, he's a
Natural born type prize fighter
Crepe pa-per hang-ing from the walls
It's almost time for Santa Claus
They planned it all well a-head
Down the chimney and breaks his head
Everyone laughs 'cos they think it's funny
Wait until it's time for the Easter Bunny
Drain the blood until they're dry

Copyright© 1968-2007 Demophonic Music Publishing BMI. All Rights Reserved.
HTML by Demophonic Music Publishing BMI.

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