Dick Rogers of Edina Minnesota, was a founding member of Skogie
and the Flaming Pachucos. Rogers was a musician's musician. Rogers was a
multi-intrumentalist, excelling at Keyboards, Bass Guitar, Flute, Bassoon and
"Dick could perform any peice of music I put in front
of him, which allowed me to explore compositions and arrangements that
were way beyond my range as a performer." -Freddy Moore.
In Insider Magazine, Tom Murtha wrote:
"Dick Rogers played reeds and anything else that happened to be
onstage. Moore taught Rogers to play saxophone (an easy task since Rogers
already played Flute and Bassoon). Reedman Dick Rogers was the only
Pachuco Moore trusted to write his own parts. "We really had to pamper
him," says Moore, "He was our 'Mr. Versatility!" "Pampering" took the form
of the Skogie horn band. "Dick really loved Chicago. In fact he WAS
Chicago." The horn band couldn't stay in tune, so Goldstein drew the lot
of firing them. A few months after the group hired Greg Kubera to
play bass, Rogers left because he wanted to play bass."
Dick was a valued member of: Only In
America Skogie and the Flaming
Pachucos v1 Skogie and the Flaming
Pachucos v2 .
 Gregg Kubera, Rick 'Skogie' Moore,
Mark Goldstein, Hans Gasterland, Dick Rogers - Coffeehouse Extemporé.
March 1971 |
 Dick Rogers "With Their Electric Bassoon" |
 Dick Rogers |